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Smile Fresh

Get a fresh breath!

Bad breath is a taboo subject, and people who suffer from it often consult one specialist after another over the years. That should be a thing of the past. The person with the most knowledge in this area is your dentist. After all, 97% of bad breath originates in the mouth

"Always fresh kisses"

Following a general analysis, an oral health checkup is carried out. You will be given advice on proper oral and dental care tailored to your individual situation. Thorough professional dental cleaning is then carried out (Basic Programme). Finally, you will be given a Pro Kit to take home with you – for long-lasting success.


Zahnmedizinisches Versorgungszentrum DEIN DENTAL Unterhaching
Hauptstr. 27
82008 Unterhaching
Fax: +49 (0)89 66509762

Consulting hours

MO8 - 1314 - 18
TU8 - 1314 - 18
WE8 - 1314 - 20
TH8 - 1314 - 18
FR8 - 13
apppointments outside regular hours can be arranged as well

Health tips

Jaw joint disorders

Jaw joint disorders can cause severe headaches. Jaw joint treatment followed by retainer therapy can help.

+49 (0)89 66509761Schedule an Appt. online